Support us
Reiner Schmidt Libertas Foundation
Account number:
IBAN: DE44 6107 0024 0044 2202 22

Scan the QR code with your banking app
You need a donation receipt?
Please provide the name and full address of the donor in the reference field.
Reiner Schmidt Libertas Foundation
Account number:
IBAN: DE44 6107 0024 0044 2202 22

Scan the QR code with your banking app
You need a donation receipt?
Please provide the name and full address of the donor in the reference field.
You can also choose your own donation amount. We are grateful for any financial help for one of our two projects. Please feel free to donate any amount you like.
Please send us a proof of your donation
We would like to keep you updated on how much money has already been donated. Since the money does not go to us but to the Reiner Schmidt Libertas Foundation, we don`t know what the exact donation amount is.
To keep all of us updated about the current amount, you can e-mail us a screenshot of your donation at info@wj-hanau.de. In your email, you can also let us know if you would like us to come by with a donation check – we’ll be happy to do that! Thanks for donating!
1. Donate via bank transfer for bricks or emergency aid
2. Take a screenshot or photo as proof of your donation
3. E-mail your screenshot or photo at info@wj-hanau.de
4. Let us know if you would like us to come by with a donation check for a press photo
Thank you for your donations!
Donations received as of today:
We need 100 bricks for our JCI Youth Hub
A “brick” is a symbolic building block for the construction of our youth and business center. It is worth 1,250 euros. The red bricks have already been purchased. Our aim is to raise a total of 125,000 euros for our JCI Youth Hub.
Red = Bricks already purchased
Light blue = Bricks still available

FAQ about donating
Yes, you will receive a donation receipt if you include your name and address in the reference field next to the donation reference.
Soon! We are currently creating a PayPal link for you. So, please stick around.
Please note that you can only scan the QR code with your banking app on your smartphone. Unfortunately, scanning with your camera does not work.
Of course! We are grateful for any amount we receive. Please remember to use the right reference when transferring the money so that we know whether you want your donation to be used for emergency aid or for the construction of the JCI Youth Hub.
More questions?
E-mail us at info@wj-hanau.de. We`ll be happy to answer all your questions. And if your question is relevant for others, too, we’ll include it in our FAQ.
What else can you do?
Every contribution makes a difference.

Organize (charity) events where people can purchase “bricks” to fund the construction of our JCI Youth Hub. We are looking forward to seeing initiatives from JCI associations or other organizations or interest groups.
Flagship Projects
Maybe you have other ideas about how to support our project. JCI Helping Heroes is intended to be a JOINT project, developed by all of us. Get creative: whether it’s a donation marathon, a donation challenge, or donation t-shirts – every idea is welcome. Thanks for your support!