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Current press release

Wirtschaftsjunioren Hanau-Gelnhausen-Schlüchtern launch “JCI Helping Heroes” donation project for victims of the earthquake in Turkey

Hanau (Germany), March 29, 2023 – The Wirtschaftsjunioren Hanau-Gelnhausen-Schlüchtern, have launched their project “JCI Helping Heroes” to help the victims of the earthquake in Turkey in February 2023. For their project, the Wirtschaftsjunioren are cooperating with the global JCI network. The project team has set up a close cooperation with JCI Türkiye and the particularly affected JCI counties of Hatay, Adana and Gaziantep to provide immediate help as well as long-term support in the form of a “JCI Youth Hub.”

“The conditions in the region are dramatic, people have lost everything and are struggling with low temperatures, lack of housing, and destroyed infrastructure. We want to help,” says Ömer Özbekler, member of the Wirtschaftsjunioren Hanau-Gelnhausen-Schlüchtern and project manager of the JCI Helping Heroes project. “Together with the Libertas Foundation, we want to provide the people in Turkey with help and support, which is urgently needed.”

In addition to donations for emergency aid, the project sells donation packages for the construction of a “JCI Youth Hub.” The emergency aid mainly includes relief transports and mobile kitchens. Among other things, generators, heavy equipment, fuel as well as drinking water, food, clothing for children and adults, and hygiene articles are needed.

In addition, the Wirtschaftsjunioren Hanau-Gelnhausen-Schlüchtern want to provide long-term, sustainable aid in the form of a youth and business center. The “JCI Youth Hub” is intended to be a meeting place and learning center for young people seeking to extend their network and further their education. The building will offer a perspective to people who have lost their livelihoods. The “JCI Youth Hub”, explicitly designed as a meeting place for young people, will be built in container style and will be operated by JCI Türkiye.

To support the “JCI Youth Hub”, symbolic building blocks, so-called “bricks,” worth 1,250 euros each can be purchased by bank transfer. Donation receipts will be issued upon request. “In addition, the donors, both companies and individuals, can choose to be named on our project website and will be named in our donation booklet, which will be handed over to JCI Türkiye after completion of the hub.”

The donations go to the Reiner Schmidt Libertas Foundation and will be forwarded to JCI Türkiye and AKUT VAKFI. The non-profit Libertas Foundation was established by Wirtschaftsjunior Reiner Schmidt to implement aid projects, especially in the field of education. The AKUT Foundation is a non-governmental organization (NGO) specializing in disaster relief and is mainly supported by volunteers.

More information about the project is available at

Participants of the kick-off event for the “JCI Helping Heroes” project (from left to right):

Dr. Asude Kocdemir, Senol Kocdemir, Daniel Loeber, Ömer Özbekler (Project Manager), Franziska Deutscher (Regional Chair of the Wirtschaftsjunioren Hessen), Robert Erkan, Thomas Giegerich, Stefanie Schietzold (Chair of the Wirtschaftsjunioren Hanau), Florian Obermaier (Chair of the Wirtschaftsjunioren Hanau), Ahmet Cetiner.